Tim, 20- San Francisco, CA

“When you meet so many people, you’re meeting so many parts of yourself and can use that to as an opportunity to self-reflect and empathize with others.”

“I would consider myself a traveler but in the eyes of society I’m homeless. I always wanted to travel and I’ve realized you really don’t need that much. This lifestyle is unrealistic from the mindset of a person who owns a home, pets, and a car. Just to be considered a ‘normal’ person I would need a car, a house, to shower two times a day, and a caffeine addiction.”


“I make jewelry, I take my time with it, I’m very diligent. The art reflects the artist and if you are putting your entire being into what you create then why are you creating it?


“Homelessness is a complex issue. You see people struggling and you see people having a hard time and have to ask yourself ‘how much do I want to help this person get better?’. On the other hand, you still have to question their intentions. You have to question if they want to get better. We all struggle with things and when we see someone struggling we like to separate ourselves from them. People don’t want to see the ugly, but their ignorance is part of the ugly.

People passing me on the street may look at me differently but really it depends on the type of person they are. If a person forms a perception about you without any knowing you at all then that’s more of a reflection of them than the person they’re judging.”


“I try to use my observations of other people to question myself and question who I want to be. If I see something in someone I don’t like I have to ask myself why. Sometimes it’s because I see a part of myself that I don’t like and I have to acknowledge that. When you meet so many people, you’re meeting so many parts of yourself and can use that to as an opportunity to self-reflect and empathize with others.

I’m constantly using the would to reflect on myself. Always be you. If you’re going to withhold something you were going to say because you’re too worried what the other person would think, then you’re never going to be able to grow as a person. Not only that, but who you’re talking to isn’t going to be able to learn either. If everyone was always themselves and was willing to learn from others we could all grow to be better day by day.”


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